Things to know before opting for Invisalign dental braces

Things to know before opting for Invisalign dental braces

We would all love a great set of teeth and an amazing smile. Sadly, not all are blessed with straight teeth. Crooked teeth can also affect and damage the overall dental health. Typically, individuals would use traditional braces to straighten their teeth. But, thanks to medical advancements, it is possible to do this with the help of Invisalign dental braces.

What are Invisalign dental braces?

Invisalign dental braces are a form of pain-free and comfortable teeth aligners that allow you to achieve straight teeth without the use of traditional braces. It is a modern way of straightening teeth without wires. Invisalign dental braces are a custom-made plastic mold and need to be changed every two weeks.

How are Invisalign dental braces better than traditional braces?

One of the main and biggest advantages of Invisalign dental braces is that they are clear. They also come with no wires, which makes them a whole lot more comfortable than traditional braces. They do not cause abrasions on the teeth and even make eating a whole lot less painful compared to traditional braces. Another reason Invisalign dental braces is better than traditional braces is that it is removable. You can take off your Invisalign braces in case you want to go out for a big event. You can even take them off and wear them for certain hours in a day. Moreover, they prevent the staining of teeth that is very common when it comes to traditional braces.

Before you opt for invisible braces, here are some things you should know about them:

  • Cost
    Invisalign braces are much more expensive compared to traditional braces. Traditional braces can cost anywhere between $2500 to $6000 based on the course of treatment that is necessary. Invisalign dental braces can differ in cost based on the provider. They typically cost between $3500 to $8000. In some cases, the cost of these dental braces can be covered by insurance.
  • Custom made and changed every two weeks
    Another thing that you need to know when it comes to invisible braces and trays is that they are custom made and need to be changed every two weeks. This allows you to have braces that fit well and straighten your teeth over a period of time.
  • Not for everyone
    Another thing that you must know about Invisalign dental braces is that they are not for everyone. The kind of braces that can be used to straighten your teeth depends on how much your teeth need to be moved and aligned. Invisible braces cannot be used in case there are too many alignment issues. They can simply be used by smaller and mild changes in the bite of an individual.